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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0077)

Die Blume
(2006, 2008)
Eriksson, Lena Regn, Chris (Performer)
Boillat, Nicole (Eventcurator)
Z′Rotz, Tina (Eventcurator)
Apisuk,Chumpon (Eventcurator)
Zumkemi, Liliane (Camera)

The flower
2006 / Via Studio / Spring bring me melancholic / Basel

The audience has gathered on the roof of a high-rise building in Basel's industrial zone. I position myself on a siding in front of the building and wait until the audience notices me. Then I put paper flowers on my head, hands and one foot - and try to keep my balance as a plant on one leg for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Chris Regn sings a song for me to encourage me: "Cabbage has a feeling, salad has a heart". I feel wonderful. The audience on the roof hears my voice looping the audio recording "I'm going to embarrass myself, but it's no big deal."

For the documentation and representation of the work in the Lodypop art space, Marcel Forrer translates the performance into an oil painting.

In 2008 I took the performance to the international performance festival Asiatopia at the arts and culture center in Bangkok
Here I translated the work into Flowerpower and the performance lasts as long as the song.

Nicole Boillat and Tina Z'rotz
_spring bring me melancholic, 2006, sound recording
Label Service de Sanglier with Nicole Boillat
file die_blume Kopie.txt has unknown mimetype text/plain
Spring Bring Me Melancholie und Asiatopia

place: Basel und Bangkok
KuratorIn: Boillat, Nicole; Z′Rotz, Tina; Apisuk,Chumpon
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 4:3
Dauer: 03:32