The setting has three different information formats: 1. statistics projected onto the wall in rapid succession. 2. self-portraits taken at monthly intervals, taken over many years and edited in quick succession. 3. me, the object of the investigation, standing in a small cone of light. I read down foodstuffs at breakneck speed, which I have meticulously noted down in lists over the years: 4.8.80, 01 UHR 54, 1.00 dl WATER, 12.15, 133 g TOMATOOMELETTE (OMELETTE WITH TOMATO CHUNKS, CHEESE, PETERLIS ETC.), 159 g BANANA-OMELETTE (OMELETTE WITH 1 BANANA (COOKED)), 82.6 g OMELETTE NATURE, 3.7 dl PASTMILK, 0.45 dl WATER. 15.30, 2 dl GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 0.26 dl WATER. 18.29, 208 g PEAR MUESLI, 3 g CHEESE, 3.6 g SMALL TOMATO (SELF-SALTED), 28.7 g CENOVIS BUTTER BREAD, 3.1 dl PASTA MILK, 0.24 dl WATER. 20:15, 0.34 dl WATER. 11 p.m., 74 g ENGADINER NUT STORTE, 4 dl STRAWBERRY MILK, 1.42 dl WATER, etc.
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