Anthropology of the arts: a reader
anthropologie culturelle anthropologie/kulturanthropologie anthropology/cultural anthropology art 70 articles/collections d'articles (type de document) aufsatzsammlung (dokumententyp) aufsatzsammlungen (dokumententyp) (011.4) collection d'articles et d'essais (type de document) collection of essays (type of document) collections d'articles et d'essais (type de document) (011.4) collections d'essais (type de document) collections littéraires (type de document) collections of essays (type of document) (011.4) cultural anthropology culture/anthropologie culturelle essais/collections d'essais (type de document) essays/collection of essays (type of document) ethnologie + anthropologie culturelle 39 ethnologie + kulturanthropologie + volkskunde 39 ethnologie/europäische ethnologie ethnology + cultural anthropology 39 europäische ethnologie kulturanthropologie kunst 70 literarische sammlungen (dokumententyp) sammlungen/aufsatzsammlungen (dokumententyp) separata (drucke) tirés à part (type de document) volkskunde völkerkunde écrits academiques (type de document) handapparate sensory evidence & material witnessing 20180124_jamie_allen_ixdm_touching shadows
Handapparate - 20180124_Jamie_Allen_IXDM_TOUCHING SHADOWS - Sensory Evidence & Material Witnessing Handapparate - 20180124_Jamie_Allen_IXDM_TOUCHING SHADOWS Handapparate catalog - mediathek catalog - HGK catalog - Handapparate catalog - HGKplus
Full spec
- CallNumber
- PD-CS 040
- DateAdded
- 2019-11-01T12:43:12Z
- DateModified
- 2021-10-13T11:03:18Z
- 978-1-4725-8592-9
- Key
- Language
- eng
- LibraryCatalog
- Publisher
- Bloomsbury Academic
- ShortTitle
- Anthropology of the arts