insufficient rights for media display
The One Following Me
--- Präsentationshinweise
Unter dem Titel “Last Next Winter” waren vier Videos, Format 4:3, 1-Kanal, gruppiert, zusammengestellt von der Kuratorin Andrea Domesle. Die Videos haben eine Soundspur, werden auf den eBoards jedoch ohne Ton gezeigt, so dass die Basler Stadtgeräusche ausnahmsweise den Sound bilden:
- „Last Next Winter“, 2011, 4.40 Min.
- „Pokrov“ (Cover) 2011, 4.40 Min.
- „Russian Red White“, 2009, 2 Min.
- „The One Following Me“, 2006, 3 Min. (nur auf den eBoards des Congress Center Basel)
01.06. – 06.08.2017 wurden die Videos mit einigen Ausnahmen täglich zwischen anderen Infos des eBoard Congress Center Basel, Messeplatz 21 beim Swissôtel Le Plaza und zudem ab Juli auf den eBoards der City Lounge gezeigt sowie 01.06. – 18.06.2017 täglich im GLOBUS Basel-Schaufenster am Marktplatz 2 von 8 bis 24 Uhr. freute sich sehr, dem Basler Publikum eine Schweizer Premiere bieten zu können. Yuri Vassiliev gehört zu den wichtigsten russischen Videokünstlern und war hier noch nie zu sehen. Unter dem Titel “Last Next Winter” vereint vier seiner Videos auf den
eBoards des Congress Center Basel sowie in der Mediathek der HGK FHNW und drei seiner Videos in einem Schaufenster von GLOBUS Basel. Das hier präsentierte Video hat den Titel des Screenings bzw. der monographischen Präsentation gegeben, ausgewählt von der Kuratorin Andrea Domesle.
Gleichzeitig widmet das National Centre of Contemporary Art in Moskau Yuri Vassiliev die Einzelausstellung „Common Russian Red“ vom 7. Juni bis 16. Juli 2017.
--- Notes on Presentation
Under the title of “Last Next Winter” four videos are brought together, format 4:3, 1-canal, grouped by the curator Andrea Domesle. The videos have a soundtrack, but during they are however shown without sound on the eBoards, so that the Basel city sounds for once provide their unique sound track:
- “The One Following Me”, 2006, 3 mins. (not shown in the GLOBUS Basel display window)
- “Russian Red White”, 2009, 2 mins.
- “Last Next Winter”, 2011, 4.40 mins.
- “Pokrov” (Cover) 2011, 4.40 mins. is pleased to be presenting the Basel public with a Swiss premiere again. Yuri Vassiliev is numbered among the most important Russian video artists of today but has never so far been presented here in person before. Under the title of “Last Next Winter” three of his video works are brought together in the GLOBUS Basel display window and four videos on the eBoards of the Congress Center Basel and on the screen of the Media Library FHNW.
Simultaneously the National Centre of Contemporary Art in Moscow is dedicating a solo exhibition “Common Russian Red” to Yuri Vassiliev. It is on view from June 7 to July 16 2017
Yuri Vassiliev's central themes are the Russian winter and the Russian Avantgarde colour red. He approaches both of them on a symbolic level. Humans, often as solitary figures or as little groups and not recognizable as individuals, totter disorientated now here, now there,, with enormous expenditure of effort. The protagonists are exposed to the perils of nature in the videos in existential ways, their doings appearing pointless and cut out of time.
Yuri Vassiliev makes his videos with a small hand camera, which follows the activities of his performers. The field of view sways with every step and sometimes it seems as if the body relations to which we are accustomed, and the familiar relations we associate with these are completely inverted. Some men are going – but though they seem to be striving forwards – apparently in reverse. The video artist undestands how to masterfully transpose the scenes using a sophisticated cutting technique, into the realm of universal human experience. His compositions set up bridges between the eye of the camera and the eye of the spectator and allow us to perceive what we see on a physical level.
Andrea Domesle (translation: Christopher Haley Simpson)
At the request of the artist, accessible in the university network after registration (Edu-ID).
Auf Wunsch der Künstlerin/des Künstlers im Hochschulnetz nach der Anmeldung (Edu-ID) abrufbar.
Technical Note:
Werktyp: Ausstellungskopie
Datenträger: HD Digital File
Audio: Stereo
Dauer: 00:03:00
Farbe: Farbe
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
ausgesetztsein curatorial experiment existentiell kunst-im-öffentlichen-raum kuratorisches experiment nature public art russian artist russischer künstler schnee schweizer premiere snow swiss premiere video art videocity 2017 videokunst winter videocity_memoriav 2017
Videocity_memoriav - 2017 Videocity_memoriav catalog - mediathek
Full spec
- CallNumber
- 2331508-5939
- DateAdded
- 2022-04-12T09:46:01Z
- DateModified
- 2024-06-17T13:51:53Z
- Handle
- 20.500.11806/med/10355
- Key
- 3JN4C7PV
- Rights
- All Rights Reserved
- RunningTime
- 0:03:00