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the installation of the decor and end by joing the audience. The title of our performance is Hortense. The audience can be everywhere around us but we'll probably move the decor during the performance.
Fotografie: Olivia Jaques
we will speak during our performance. The performance is in between dance and action in a removble decor build with wood and metal bar, on which are paper rolls. We'll do different actions and movements around and with this decor, and during all the performance we'll tell a poetic text that we have written together.
Handlung:Abrollen Handlung:Anfügen Handlung:Bewegen Handlung:Lesen Handlung:Sprechen Hochschule der Künste Bern Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice (MA CAP) Material:Papier Material:Rolluntersetzer Material:Sonnenschirmhalterung Material:Sprache Material:Stangen Material:Stimme Material:Weiss Performance act performance festival zürich 2018
ACT Performance Festival - 2018 - Zürich ACT Performance Festival - 2018 ACT Performance Festival Group catalog - Collections catalog - Education catalog - HGK catalog - HGKplus catalog - mediathek catalog - Performance catalog - Open