Video (2)
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"Distance" by Toshi Ichiyanagi
The instrumentalist's traditional means of creation, mastery of his instrument by means of learned technique as well as…
Live performance on ZOOM
Gleichzeitigkeit HKB Hochschule der Künste Bern Improvisation Instrument John Cage Klang Konzert Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice (MA CAP) Michael Nyman Online-Performance-Festival Performance act performance festival bern 2020
ACT Performance Festival - 2020 - Bern ACT Performance Festival - 2020 ACT Performance Festival catalog - Collections catalog - Education catalog - HGK catalog - HGKplus catalog - mediathek catalog - Performance catalog - Open
Full spec
- CallNumber
- 6037
- DateAdded
- 2020-04-18T10:15:28Z
- DateModified
- 2024-09-24T12:37:56Z
- Key
- Rights
- RunningTime
- 00:23.32