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Scale #1
Our doctors are repudiated. Our lorry drivers do terrible things also, in different ways.
From the transient and vulnerable, from the lonely and precarious, here are some words dedicated to you, ignorant witness, who are brave in personal actions and weak where the hem of collective responsibility begins to slip and stream in the stuttering of a million clicking fingers. Here are some words for you, during this special time of need.
My love language is a bomb about to disrupt an international sporting event. My brain is a sieve so make sure to wash ur dirty pasta through the entrails of my mind. Restrictions upon the body, more or less voluntarily submitted to, can aid in rebuilding the muscle of memory. Time works differently on bound hands. We are interested in the world as it is. We are interested in the world as it could be. The Earther project has already begun. A*R*K* will no longer continue to carry out its activities unrecognised by the covenant to which its children lay continuous and daily claim, in the buying of Tesco meal deals, in consumption of Carrefour’s already-stale prefabricated toasts. It’s all from our most reliable sources... MOVEMENT IS SPIRIT, and onomatopoeia is maybe one way of miming & moving the unfortunate boundaries of a human identity. Imagine a supercomputer who doesn’t know its own mental health history. Imagine an animal whose mother is repulsed by it. Imagine something, anything, that can move without feeling, feel without taking pleasure, take pleasure without remorse. The 7 scales constitute a trial-and-error body movement program intended to evaluate, deseed and reward identity while rebuilding trust between an intelligence and its karmic stratification. A*R*K* has generously put forward their own para-human test subject (shhh!) for trial. Their name is Edel.
The 1st Scale will be videostreamed from an unspecified location in the north of France on the 2nd of May 2020. Its development has relied upon the choreographic direction of Antoine Weil, Gabriel Shields-Hanau and all the laboratorians without whose constant efforts this world would be only as a mirror, bouncing light off of its surface without care for a tomorrow.
Signed, circa 50 AD
Prerecorded Video
HEAD Haute école d'art et de design Genève Interaktion Körper Landschaft Online-Performance-Festival Performance act performance festival genf 2020
ACT Performance Festival - 2020 - Genf ACT Performance Festival - 2020 ACT Performance Festival catalog - Collections catalog - Education catalog - HGK catalog - HGKplus catalog - mediathek catalog - Performance catalog - Open
Full spec
- CallNumber
- 6046
- DateAdded
- 2020-04-18T10:15:28Z
- DateModified
- 2024-09-24T12:44:57Z
- Key
- Rights
- RunningTime
- 00:14:00