ionicons-v5-h ionicons-v5-f ionicons-v5-f ionicons-v5-k ionicons-v5-a ionicons-v5-i ionicons-v5-e ionicons-v5-h ionicons-v5-l ionicons-v5-j ionicons-v5-g ionicons-v5-g ionicons-v5-i ionicons-v5-k ionicons-v5-g ionicons-v5-g

"This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition The Senses: Design Beyond Vision at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum April 13-October 22, 2018.", Includes bibliographical references and index, "The Senses: Design Beyond Vision explores different ways that contemporary designers are engaging sensory experience. This important book accompanies a major exhibition organized by Cooper Hewett, Smithsonian Design Museum, opening April 2018. The book features thematic essays on topics ranging from design for the table to tactile graphics, tactile sound, and visualizing the senses. Manifestos and guidelines written by leading thinkers are calls to action for multisensory design practice. This book is meant for students and professionals working in diverse fields, including products, interiors, graphics, interaction, sound, animation, and data visualization.The book is edited by Cooper Hewitt curators Ellen Lupton and Andrea Lipps, with essays by Lupton, Lipps, and other contributors, and designed by David Genco with Ellen Lupton"--
New York, Hudson NY, 2018


abbildungen (dokumententyp) abbildungen und bildwerke (dokumententyp) (084.1) abbildungen/fotografische abbildungen (dokumententyp) art / collections, catalogs, exhibitions / general ausstellungen/kataloge zu temporären ausstellungen ausstellungskataloge/temporäre ausstellungen ausstellungspublikationen/temporäre ausstellungen ausstellungskatalog 2018 bildband (dokumententyp) bildbände (dokumententyp) bildwerke (dokumententyp) bildband catalogues d'expositions temporaires catalogues/temporary exhibitions conception (design) design + conception 740 design + gestaltung + formgebung 740 design + presentation 740 design / essays design / graphic arts / general design human factors design human factors exhibiitons empfindung/sinnesempfindung (psychologie) exhibition catalogues/temporary exhibitions expositions temporaires/catalogues et publications expositions temporaires/catalogues et publications à l'occasion d'expositions temporaires figures, illustrations (type de document) formgebung (design) fotografische abbildungen (dokumententyp) gestaltung (design) illustrated works (document type) illustrations (document type) illustrations (type de document) illustrations and illustrated works (document type) (084.1) illustrations et ouvrages illustrés (type de document) (084.1) illustrations photographiques (type de document) illustrations/photographs (document type) kataloge/ausstellungskataloge livres illustrés (type de document) ouvrages illustrés (type de document) perception sensorielle (psychologie) 159.93 perception/sense perception (psychology) photographic illustrations (document type) photographies (type de document) photographische abbildungen (dokumententyp) photographs/illustrations (document type) presentation (design) publications on temporary exhibitions 018%061.4 publications à l'occasion d'expositions temporaires 018%061.4 publikationen zu temporären ausstellungen 018%061.4 sensation (psychologie) sensation + sense perception (psychology) 159.93 sense perception (psychology) sinnesempfindung + sinneswahrnehmung (psychologie) 159.93 sinneswahrnehmung (psychologie) senses and sensation senses and sensation exhibitions temporary exhibitions/catalogues wahrnehmung/sinneswahrnehmung (psychologie) werke/bildwerke (dokumententyp) handapparate die haut in der nacktheit ws_2018/2019


Handapparate - WS_2018/2019 - Die Haut in der Nacktheit Handapparate - WS_2018/2019 Handapparate catalog - mediathek catalog - HGK catalog - Handapparate catalog - HGKplus

Full spec

Copper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Princeton Architectural Press
The senses